If you’re running ads for your business, then you NEED to read this.
Because I’ll tell you what’s the difference between ads that get tossed in the “I don’t give a flying f*ck” pile and get ignored for eternity… And ads that make it rain with leads, orders, and customers.
Trust me, it isn’t all about targeting, budget, and A/B testing. Sure, all of these are as crucial to an ad as honey to bees. But there’s an even more important element.
And if more business owners were aware of this element, we wouldn’t be bumping into garbage ads every second scroll on Facebook… Ads that underperform like a heavily injured football player in the UEFA European Football Championship.
So without further ado, let’s dive straight into the sauce.
Why ads get ignored.
It’s so simple it’s actually criminal.
And to drive the point home, let’s consider some of the reasons you’d ignore a stranger who approaches you on the street.
They’re annoying as hell.
They disrespect your time, energy, and personal space.
They don’t care about you.
We can connect all three reasons to ads. But for now, let’s focus on the last point: “They don’t care about you.”
Imagine someone approached you and started rambling about their life story:
“When I was 5, I tripped on a rock but instead of falling flat on my face, I did a triple front flip then continued walking as though nothing had happened. How cool right?”
This person is so focused on themselves that it’s repelling.
Same goes for an ad:
That’s a perfect example of a narcissistic ad. And that’s exactly why it’ll fail to bring in new customers.
Now let’s switch gears and see…
What makes an ad irresistible.
Imagine a stranger approached you and said:
“Wooow that’s a really cool T-Shirt you have! It fits you so well that I actually want to buy one myself. Where did you get it from?”
Finally someone complimenting you and thus putting a smile on your face.
Unless you’re a psycho, you wouldn’t ignore that person, would you.
And surprise surprise…
Same goes for an ad:
This ad is light years ahead of the previous one… because it’s focused on YOU, the reader. And it soaks wet with empathy.
The bottom line.
Next time you write an ad, ask yourself:
“Who is this ad focused on?”
You want your ad to be focused on the reader.
That’s by far the most effective way to grab their attention, show that you care about them, and turn them into customers.
Talk soon,