Have you poured time and money into enhancing your website, refining your ads, and bumping up your advertising budget to the sky (and beyond)...
Yet you’re still not getting the amount of customers or sales you want?
“What am I missing?” – you might wonder.
It’s easy to want to blame your domain provider, website backend, or even Mark Zuckerberg’s team for not showing your ads to the right people.
But the real problem lies in a crucial marketing asset you’re not utilizing.
Before I reveal this asset, consider this:
If a stranger asked for $1,000, would you lend it to them? Probably not. But if a close friend asked, you’d likely say yes without hesitation. Why? Because they’ve earned your trust over time.
This is the exact principle behind…
The Landing Page.
A Landing Page is your opportunity to build a strong relationship with potential customers by demonstrating that you have their best interests at heart.
It’s designed to establish trust by providing free value.
Here are some examples of free value you can offer:
A 15% discount
A free video lesson
A free eBook with tips and tricks
When potential customers receive something valuable for free, they’re much more likely to purchase your products or services, becoming loyal customers.
Why does a Landing Page work?
Humans are wired to reciprocate. If someone helps you, compliments you, or gives you something for free, you naturally want to return the favor.
And that’s why Landing Pages are so effective!
By offering free value, you’re not just promoting your business – you’re building a relationship. Potential customers feel appreciated and are more inclined to become loyal long-term customers.
Your action steps.
Now you know why Landing Pages are such a powerful asset!
It’s time to take action and create your first Landing Page.
Follow this short checklist to get started:
Determine something small you can offer for free.
Use your website builder to create a Landing Page (also known as an Opt-In page or a Pop-up window).
Add your free value to the Landing Page.
Publish the Landing Page on your website.
Then sit back and watch your customer base grow.
Talk soon,